July 27, 2009

News from Sharon Boison, Alumnae Specialist

I know it’s been a while since I’ve communicated to you via a newsletter. Post-convention, there is so much news to share! I know you are all working on your calendar for next year. I’ve already seen some great events and look forward to sharing with you what your sister chapters are doing. We’ll be setting up a conference call soon so that we can talk about changes to reporting and the new Standards of Excellence (SOE).
I’ve included some pictures from convention and also the list of awards winners. It was so exciting to hear your names called! Congratulations to everyone on your hard work and most of all, the sisterhood that you value that keeps you striving to bring AOIIs together!
** You will receive your new roster from HQ soon, so watch for an email from Chapter Services!

Sharon Janeway Boison, KK ‘76
AS, Beta 1 District
Life Loyal #139

News from Convention: There is so much to share!
The Board - The much debated governance board concept was passed. This means that, rather than a Vice President holding specific duties, such as administrative, alumnae or collegiate oversight, the board will now concentrate on the vision of the fraternity and long range planning. The paid HQ staff now takes on the responsibility of the day to day operations of the various departments, under the direction of the Board. Only the Vice President of Finance remains with specific duties in overseeing the financial well-being of the fraternity. One additional change to the Board structure is that, for continuity, the past IP will remain on in an advisory capacity for one year.
Our new Executive Board members are – International President Barb Zipperian, VP Finance Krista Whipple, and six Vice Presidents- VP Finance, Krista Whipple, VPs Kathy Jensen, Gail Fitzpatrick, Karen Galehan, Rebecca Herman, Linda Grandolfo, and Allison Allgier and new PIP Susan Danko.
Beta Status – Council voted to amend the by-laws to allow the beta districts to do business. This does not mean that the new structure has passed, only that we can continue with the pilot. The vote on whether or not to the change to districts will not take place until convention in 2011. In the mean time, we will continue with our pilot, of which you are all a crucial part. Be prepared for more surveys and questions on how you think we are doing and what you think is good or needs improvement.
AOII Executive Director –The new AOII Executive Director was introduced at convention. She is Troy LaForge, an Indiana University (Beta Phi) initiate with a beta 1 connection! Troy leaves the position of Assistant Director of
Student Activities and Coordinator for Greek Affairs at Transylvania University to move to Nashville and AOII Headquarters. Melanie Lampertz’s retirement as Executive Director was celebrated at convention.

Awards – The best part!
Central Kentucky Bluegrass Alumnae Chapter received a Gold award under the SOE. They also received a Membership Recruitment award for increasing their membership this past year. Congrats to Chris and her chapter!
Kentucky Lakes chapter received the Pearl award, and also received a Membership Recruitment award. Congrats to Catherine and her chapter!
Jonesboro chapter also received a Pearl award. Congrats to past president Shannon, new president Lindsay, and the chapter!
Evansville Tri-State, Lexington, Little Rock, and Memphis chapters all earned Ruby awards. Congrats to Jan, Melissa, Resa and Trish! This is quite an accomplishment and you should all be very proud of your accomplishments this past year! Lexington chapter also received the Membership Retention award.
And congratulations to Memphis Alumnae Chapter for winning the Membership Recruitment and Retention Award! Trish and her officers worked endlessly last year to recruit sisters to their chapter and to plan sisterhood activities that kept them coming back. Definitely a beta success story!
There were also lots of awards earned by the collegiate chapters that you support. The dedication of your chapter members servicing on AACs and Corporation Boards is to be commended, as well.

Collegiate and alumnae members of Beta 1 gathered after the Rose Banquet for a group photo. Sigma Omicron's Megan Haines Morris
(Chapter Advisor), Lindsey Hawkins (Chapter President), Mackenzie Sims (New Member Educator) are pictured on the right of the photo.

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