November 17, 2009

Need a Christmas Gift Idea?

Have you ever wondered what you were going to do with your old sorority t-shirts?

How about a t-shirt quilt? Sigma Omicron's alumna, Cathy Naylor, has kindly offered her services for anyone interested in purchasing a one of a kind keep sake. Cathy charges $80 per quilt, this includes any supplies she might need. Of course the price could increase depending on how expensive of fabric you pick out. She usually makes the quilts 6 shirts x 6 shirts (36 t-shirts total), which equals to about 6ft by 6ft because she uses a 1 sq foot section from the back of the shirt. If there is a design on the front pocket that you want, she may be able to find a way to do that also. But if you want a bigger quilt, just bring her more shirts!

Don't forget about your significant other, maybe they too were in a fraternity. How about your children's old jerseys, high school shirts, etc.? The possibilities are endless.

Contact Cathy Naylor:
(901) 497-2672

Here is an example of a t-shirt quilt.

November 16, 2009

Alumnae Christmas Party

Spread the word - all AOII alum's are invited!

5K goes to Sherman family

Thanks to all the hard work of the members and alumnae, the Strawberry's BBQ fundraiser was a huge success. Over 1,000 BBQ plates were sold.

Thursday, November 12th - the day began at 1:00 and didn't end until 7:00. All the girls came in shifts and worked in perfect assembly lines to prepare 1,000 BBQ plates. Pick-up times were from 3:30-6:30. The girls were so efficient and kept the line constantly moving.

Ben Sherman was made an honorary "Pi Guy".
Please scroll to the bottom of the blog to see a slideshow of the event.
Thanks again to everyone that purchased and/or helped sell tickets.

Wedding Shower for Linzey Stacy

To: All AOII Alumnae

When: Saturday, December 5th at 2:00

Where: 1603 Roleson Dr. Jonesboro, AR

Hosted by: Meg Bradley

Registered at Target & Wal-mart

*Linzey Stacy is an amazing young lady that will be graduating in December. If anyone has had the pleasure of meeting her then you know that she will make an amazing alum.*

November 10, 2009


Thank you to everyone who attended the Spa Night. It was a lot of fun and VERY relaxing. I hope everyone's feet feel rested and have stopped tingling from the foot mask. I would especially like to thank Marsha Mays Carwell for opening up her home to 15 or so Alumnae. Thank you all again and please scroll to the bottom of the blog to check out the pictures from last night's event.

See you all December 7th for the Christmas PARTY!

November 6, 2009

Information Reminder

Alumnae Event:
Don't forget to attend the AOII alumnae chapter meeting/event this coming Monday night at 6:30 p.m. Home of Marsha Mays Carwell, 3812 Charleston Dr. Jonesboro, AR 72404. The Spa night will be lots of fun and VERY informational about the upcoming AOII house.

If you are selling tickets for the Strawberry's BBQ fundraiser, please have all money collected and turned in by the beginning of next week. Turn money in to Sarah Wiggins Murphy. (870) 219-0455 or If you are selling tickets, please do your best to sell all of them. We want to raise a lot of money for Ben Sherman and his family. For more about Ben please visit the blog.

Need a babysitter?:
Megan Haines Morris (Chapter Advisor) informed me that she has a list of girls interested in babysitting for alumnae. With all the Holiday parties coming up I'm sure this would come in handy. She personally would recommend any one of these girls. Please contact Megan in you are interested. (870) 530-4744 or

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