November 22, 2011

Goody Bag update

To date 26 goody bags have been sold. That leaves 65 girls not receiving a bag. The parents' money is coming in daily so I'll keep you posted. So far I have received money from Libby Anderson, Virginia Shepherd, Marsha Carwell, Brenda Ferralasco, Micha Kenley, Barbara Reng, Lindsey Woodard, Camille Hemund, Emilie Statler and Bridget Shemwell to help with goody bag costs. I have received word from Megan Morris, Lindsey Hawkins, Whitney Lawshe, Marlene Brown, Micha Kenley and Caitlin Maki about donating items for the goody bags. THANK YOU to everyone that has already helped out. You are all amazing. PLEASE let me know if you are able to donate items for the goody bags.
  • homemade food (already individually packaged)
  • red bull
  • energy bars
  • granola bars
  • powdered drink mixes
  • coupons
  • candy
  • other snacks
I'm still accepting money as well. The money is being used to help purchase items if enough aren't
donated and the money is helping pay for goody bags for girls that wouldn't otherwise receive one.

Checks payable to:
Lindsay Burnett
3701 Beacon St.
Jonesboro, AR 72404

Call me if you have questions. (870) 930-7584

November 16, 2011

Wii Like to Party....HUGE SUCCESS!

Thank you to all the alumnae that came out and had a lot of fun. It was so great seeing you all. The girls really appreciated it. Alumnae in attendance: Marlene Brown, Brenda Ferralasco, Megan Morris, Jenny Warren, Michelle Wingo, Micha Kenley, Caitlin Maki, Cathy Naylor, Lark Little, Lauren Gaines, Lindsey Hawkins, Breanna Buck, Cari Taylor and Lindsay Burnett.



November 4, 2011

Goody Bag Fundraiser

Every year the Jonesboro AOII Alumnae Chapter sells "Finals Survival" goody bags to the parents of the collegians. Last year we collected money to help purchase items for the goody bags as well as sponsor some goody bags. In the past we only gave bags to girls with parents that purchased a bag. Last year since all the alumnae were so generous by donating so many items and money we were able to give the girls goody bags that wouldn't have received one otherwise. This was a huge mood booster for the girls. They were very excited to receive the bags and some were very surprised and touched to see that they had a bag purchased by an alumna for them. Please consider donating items for the bags and/or making a donation to help supply bags to the girls whose parents don't purchase a bag. Letters to the girls' parents will be mailed next week. I'm hopeful we will have an amazing response from the parents.

The money raised from the selling of these bags goes towards the scholarship that we have at ASU. Please let me know if you are able to help out. We have somewhere between 94-98 girls. In other words, we need a LOT of items to be donated. Reply back to this email and let me know if you will be donating money, store bought goods or homemade goods.

Item examples:
  • Candy
  • Prepackaged rice crispies
  • Homemade cookies
  • Homemade fudge
  • Homemade trail mix
  • Homemade puppy chow
  • Homemade spicy crackers
  • Homemade brownies
  • Prepackaged oatmeal cream pies
  • Red Bull
  • Popcorn
  • Etc.
The girls love it all. If you make homemade food, please go ahead and package it individually.

If you would like to donate money please make your check out to me and I'll purchase items for the goody bags or it can be used to purchase a bag for a collegian that won't get one otherwise.

Lindsay Burnett
3701 Beacon St.
Jonesboro, AR 72404

Thank you all so much for being an amazing group of alumnae.

November 3, 2011

November 14th Event "Wii like to party"

Please plan on attending this EXTREMELY fun event!
Monday, November 14th @ 6:30 p.m. we will gather at the ASU Cooper Alumni Center for food, fun and fellowship with the AOII collegians. We will have "Just Dance" on Wii hooked up to a projector screen. I you haven't seen anyone play this you are in for a treat. It's hilarious and a lot of fun.
Please RSVP to me and let me know if you are able to attend and if you are able to provide a dish and/or drinks. All paper products have already been donated and we have plenty of ice.

I don't want to beg but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE attend this event. Let's show the girls how strong our alumnae sisterhood is!

October 31, 2011


I would like to give a HUGE thank you to all 20+ alumnae that showed up at Ruby Tuesdays last week and then went to Step Show. We had such a great time and I'm so glad we all got to catch up. The collegiate girls did a great job, I'm so proud of them.

Here is their video.

October 20, 2011

News from Headquarters!

So, let me introduce you to AOII’s newest PR in a Box….”Sisters for Soldiers”!
“Sisters for Soldiers” has been coordinated in partnership with the non-profit organization, Soldiers’ Angels. AOII chapters are encouraged to hold their own “Sister for Soldiers” events on their local campuses and communities. This care package drive is a wonderful way to show AOII’s appreciation to our armed services currently deployed overseas.
Please be on the look-out for all of the details and a complete media kit to be emailed next week. You’ll receive a guidebook for planning your event, sample promotional materials, and promotional artwork.

*Please let me know if any of you alumnae are interested in helping with this project. You can leave a comment directly on the blog.* ~ Lindsay Burnett.

October 7, 2011

Homecoming Time!

Here is the Homecoming Schedule of Events for students!
All AOII Alumnae are invited to meet at Jonesboro's Ruby Tuesday on Wednesday, October 26th at 5:00 for dinner and drinks. We will then go to the ASU Convo for Step Show at 7:00 to cheer on the AOII's!

September 20, 2011

Corks-n-Canvas 2011

Thank you to everyone that attended last night's "Corks-n-Canvas" event. Sarah Wiggins Murphy was kind enough to host everyone at her home and Audra Wilson McClung was kind enough to drive all the way from Fayetteville to teach us how to paint. We had 15 alumnae in attendance and it was a blast. We all decided this would be an annual event. Thanks again Sarah and Audra.

September 14, 2011

New Member Dinner 2011

Thank you to all the alumnae who showed up last night for the 2011 New Member Dinner. I also want to say thank you to the alumnae that couldn't attend but still provided food.
Thank you all.
We had a wonderful turnout of 16 alumnae and almost all the new members (3 or 4 were absent do to class). THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Gala Vaughn for hosting everyone in your gorgeous home. We really appreciate it!

August 31, 2011

Super cute cookies

These are the most amazing cookies. Christina Gibson of made these amazing AOII cookies for the girls' bid day. Please check out her website. They are not only beautiful works of art but they taste amazing as well.

Bid Day 2011

The 2011 Bid Day for the Sigma Omicron Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was another great success. They met quota (35) and have a WONDERFUL group of new members.

Erica Armstong - Cherry Valley, AR
Hope Baltz - Sherwood, AR
Kenzie Bartholomew - Weiner, AR
Kaela Belcher - Campbell, MO
Leigha Blankenship - Deering, MO
Micah Brasfield - West Memphis, AR
Courtney Burton - Jonesboro, AR
Lauren Cochran - Jacksonville, AR
Lyndsey Crump - West Memphis, AR
Karley Cruse - Bryant, AR
Chelsea Domino - Paragould, AR
Ashleigh Dyer - Hot Springs, AR
Hannah Gilliam - Beebe, AR
Natalie Graham - Bryant, AR
Britney James - McCrory, AR
Jonna-Kaye Jones - Steele, MO
Trinity Jones - Benton, AR
Carla Kemp - Lepanto, AR
Adria Kersey - Jonesboro, AR
Alex Mahoney - Maumelle, AR
Sydney Manley - Bryant, AR
Beth Massey - Walnut Ridge, AR
Bryanna McClanahan - Wynne, AR
Sarah Medlin - Steele, MO
Keely Mozisek - Bryant, AR
Kenlee Myers - Moro, AR
Allison Nichols - Morrilton, AR
Karla-Ann Norton - Marion, AR
Meagan Poff - Batesville, AR
Madison Riley - Sherwood, AR
Julia Taylor - Paragould, AR
Megan Wagner - Sikeston, MO
Lauren Webb - Jonesboro, AR
Callie Whistle - Osceola, AR
Amelia Williams - Blytheville, AR

The Bid Day party was held at the home of Devyn Statler. Her parents were so kind and generous to open their home to so many girls. They did an amazing job and the girls had a lot of fun. They played volleyball, jumped on bounce houses and tie-dyed shirts. Their theme was "New Bids on the Block". Everything was very 80's neon. Too Cute!

Thanks to alumnae Sarah Murphy, Megan Morris, Micha Gairhan, Ashlyn Kohler, MaryBeth Dunlap, Mackenzie Sims and Leah Brock for showing up at the Bid Day Party! The girls really appreciate it.

August 29, 2011

Amazing Singers

We had some amazing singers at pref night this year. Thought I would share them with you.

Firedrill 2011...

A funny thing happened yesterday during pref night. Between party 1 and 2 the fire alarm went off in University Hall. Everyone had to evacuate the dorm in their lovely cocktail dresses and heels. AOII, AGD, DZ and XO decided to take a gigantic group photo. *By the way, it was Chi O that set their trashcan on fire. Too funny!*

Pref Night 2011....Absolutely Amazing!

Thank you to all the alumnae (20+) that participated in pref night. You all made the night so special. Sorry I didn't get a picture of everyone.

Rush......Info Night 2011

Recruitment was this past weekend. Information night was Friday, August 26, 2011. The girls had a great time. Thank you to all the alumnae that came out to show support.

Brag Boards during Recruitment...aka RUSH

For those of you not very familiar with all the recruitment changes, here is a brief summary. We no longer have a skit night nor do we have an frills (themes, extra decor, etc.). Instead the girls are allowed to have brag boards in the suite and in the University Hall lobby. Every year the brag boards are just so creative and cute but this year they took it a step further. The girls wanted to incorporate more of their past alumnae. The picture below says it all. Just Beautiful.

Sigma Omicron Suite gets a face lift

Over the summer some alumnae and collegians took on the daunting task of giving the AOII suite a face lift. We didn't want to spend very much money since we are very hopeful about getting a house by 2013. However the suite just wasn't functional for the girls' needs. We decided that just a little paint could go a LONG way. Not to mention a few new additions in decor. Thanks Jimco for the artwork and beautiful lamps.

Here are some pictures of the transformation.

Thank you again to all the collegians and alumnae that helped update the suite. HUGE thank you to Misti Hinds Sims for going above and beyond. You are too talented for words!

August 24, 2011

New 2011 RUSH schedule

Thursday, August 25
4:30 p.m.                     Exec & Recruitment Counselors @ Student Union Auditorium
5:30 p.m.                     Recruitment Orientation with Potential New Members
                                                Student Union Auditorium
Friday, August 26
2:45 p.m.                     Exec & Recruitment Counselors meeting in Leadership Center
3:15 p.m.                     Potential New Members meet with Recruitment Counselors
                                                Student Union Auditorium
3:45 p.m.                     Potential New Members line up outside of suites
4:00-4:35 p.m.             EVENT 1
4:50-5:25 p.m.             EVENT 2
5:40-6:15 p.m.             EVENT 3
6:30-7:05 p.m.             EVENT 4
7:20-7:55 p.m.             EVENT 5
8:10-8:45 p.m.             EVENT 6
9:00-9:35 p.m.             EVENT 7
9:35 p.m.                     Potential New Members return to Student Union with RC
                                                Meet with RC in designated area
10:15 p.m.                   Exec & Recruitment Counselor Meeting @ Leadership Center
12:30a.m.                    Chapter Lists Due!
Saturday, August 27
11:30 a.m.                   Exec & Recruitment Counselor Meeting @ Leadership Center
            Noon                           Potential New Members meet with Recruitment Counselors
                                                Student Union
12:30 p.m.                   Potential New Members line up outside of suites
12:45-1:30 p.m.           EVENT 1       
1:45-2:30 p.m.             EVENT 2       
2:45-3:30 p.m.             EVENT 3
3:45-4:30 p.m.             EVENT 4
4:45-5:30 p.m.             EVENT 5
5:30 p.m.                     Potential New Members return to Student Union with RC
                                                Meet with RC in designated areas
5:45 p.m.                     Exec & Recruitment Counselor Meeting @ Leadership Center
8:30p.m.                      Chapter Lists Due!
Sunday, August 28      
11:45 a.m.                   Exec & Recruitment Counselor Meeting in Leadership Center
12:15 p.m.                   Potential New Members meet with Recruitment Counselor
                                                Student Union
12:45 p.m.                   Potential New Members line up outside of suites
1:00 – 1:50 p.m.          EVENT 1       
2:05 – 2:55 p.m.          EVENT 2
3:10 – 4:00 p.m.          EVENT 3
*** Potential New Members go directly to the Student Union Auditorium after last preference event***

4:00 – 4:15 p.m.          Potential New Members return immediately to the Student Union
                                                Auditorium to sign Preference Cards
            6:00p.m.                      Chapter Lists Due!!
6:30p.m.(tentative)      Chapter Advisors Only to Leadership Center & bid list finalized
                                                (Bring bid cards and potential list for snap bids with you)
7:00 p.m.                     Exec & Recruitment Counselor meeting in Leadership Center
7:30 p.m.                     Offer Snap Bids and contact Unmatched Potential New Members
Monday, August 29
4:00 p.m.                     Exec/Recruitment Counselors meet at Leadership Center
5:00 p.m.                     Potential New Members meet with RC at Student Union Auditorium
                                                Bid Card Distribution – Go to Suites

July 21, 2011

Event Calendar......Save this Information!

2011-2012 Alumnae Events

  • Monday, August 29th - "Bid Day" (Home of Devyn Statler) This will be the first alumnae event of the year. Please plan on attending. This is a great opportunity to meet the collegians and the new members.
  • Monday, September 19th - "Corks-n-Canvas" (Location TBD) Alumna Audra Wilson McClung will teach everyone in attendance to paint a canvas mastpiece. *There will be a fee for the art supplies*
  • Monday, October 17th - "Theme TBD" (Location TBD)
  • Monday, November 14th - "Wii like to Party" (ASU Cooper Alumni Center) This event will be a joint event with alumnae and collegians. We'll have 3 projector screens setup in the Cooper Alumni Center ballroom. Each screen will have a game hooked up to it. Wii's "Just Dance", PS3 "Guitar Hero", XBox360 "Scene it". This will be a wonderful sisterhood event. Of course lots of food will be present too.
  • Monday, December 12th - "Christmas Sock Exchange" (Location TBD) Bring a crazy pair of socks and we'll play dirty santa. If you don't want to bring socks or you forget don't worry, just come and watch and laugh.
  • Monday, January 16th - "Theme TBD" (Location TBD)
  • Monday, February 13th - "Cupid Photo Booth" (Home of Lindsay Harmon Burnett) There will be so many sweets and cocktails you won't know what to do! We'll also have a great photobooth moment since it is the day before Valentine's Day.
  • Monday, March 12th - "Pairing Party" (Home of Lacey Hawkins) We'll have a wonderful night pairing the perfect wine with the perfect food.
  • Monday, April 16th - "Kentucky Derby" (Home of Marsha Mays Carwell) This will be the last event of the year. We'll also induct the senior class into the alumnae chapter. This will be a Kentucky Derby theme so don't forget to wear your favorite hat.

July 19, 2011

Baby Shower

Linzey Stacy Myers is having a baby!
The shower is this Saturday July 23rd from 11 -1 at Southwest Church of Christ.

 Hosted by Candice Cope, Meg Bradley, and Terry White.
*Linzey is registered at Wal Mart and Target, if you can’t find her under AR try LA. Ricklyn Jean (girl) is due September 22nd. The nursery is designed in lavender and gray damask print and stripes. *

July 5, 2011

Woo Hoo!

The Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter received the Ruby Award (highest award) at the AOII National Convention! I was unable to attend but Sarah Murphy (alumna, Recruitment Advisor) was able to attend with Lani Cato (collegian, Chapter President) and Marla Lace (collegian, Recruitment Chair).

June 24, 2011

Happy Summer!

Hey everyone,

I hope you are all having an amazing summer and taking wonderful vacations. I haven't posted anything in a while so I thought I should give a little update.

Megan Haines Morris (Sigma Omicron 01'), gave birth to Jackson Brian Morris on June 16th. 8lbs. 3oz., 20". Mom and baby are doing great.

Look at his stylish mohawk!

The collegiate girls ranked second in grade point averages. Way to go girls!

Sorority housing is still a hot topic. Keep your eyes and ears open for more news to come.

May 17, 2011

AOII in the news

Below is the URL for the "First Person Singular" article that was published about Debi Beck Corbotto (Sigma Omicron Alumna) in the Washington Post Magazine.

Fall Recruitment Schedule 2011

Friday, August 26
Information Night Events
  • 4-4:35pm        EVENT 1
  • 4:50-5:25pm   EVENT 2
  • 5:40-6:15pm   EVENT 3
  • 6:30-7:05        EVENT 4
  • 7:20-7:55pm   EVENT 5
  • 8:10-8:45         EVENT 6
  • 9:00-9:35pm   EVENT 7
Saturday, August 27
Philanthropy/Campus Involvement Events
  • 12:45-1:30pm EVENT 1
  • 1:45-2:30pm EVENT 2
  • 2:45-3:30pm EVENT 3
  • 3:45-4:30pm EVENT 4
  • 4:45-5:30pm EVENT 5
Sunday, August 28
Preference Events
  • 1:00-1:50pm EVENT 1
  • 2:05-2:55pm EVENT 2
  • 3:10-4:00pm EVENT 3
Monday, August 29
Bid Day
  • 5:00pm Bid Card Distribution

April 19, 2011

Safari Senior Induction

Thank you to everyone who attended the senior induction. We had a wonderful turnout of alumnae and seniors. 18 alumnae and 16 seniors. Thank you Lou Ann Clements for hosting everyone at your home. The food and great company was absolutely perfect.

AOII Jonesboro's newest alumnae

AOII Jonesboro's newest alumnae

April 6, 2011

Beautiful Roseball

Thanks to the alumnae that helped chaperon Roseball this past weekend. The girls seemed to have a lot of fun and the decorations were absolutely GORGEOUS! Thank you Marsha Mays Carwell (Sigma Omicron Alumnae and Jonesboro Heart Guild, Heart Gala Chair) for letting the girls use the amazing centerpieces.

Lacey Hawkins, Cathy Naylor, Lindsay Harmon Burnett, Megan Haines Morris and Jenny Hickenbottom Warren

March 17, 2011

It's Safari party time!

The last formal Alumnae event of this school year is Monday, April 18th. Please plan on attending and let's show the seniors how much fun we have.

Buy Some Geraniums

Please click on the picture below to zoom in. The Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter will be selling geraniums again for our annual fundraiser. The money goes towards our chapter and its projects. Please SELL SELL SELL! Send your orders to Carolyn Wyatt at or call/fax to 870.931.9700. When you send in your order please include phone numbers for everyone that buys geraniums. Thanks and happy selling!

March 15, 2011

Pizza Party fun

Thank you Hannah Williams Warren for hosting last night's alumnae event. The pizza was absolutely amazing. 
Marsha Carwell, Lindsay Burnett and Megan Morris
Marlene Brown, Sarah Murphy and Hannah Warren
*Sorry the pictures aren't great quality. I forgot my camera and these were taken with my blackberry.*

Rotary Pot O' Gold

I wanted to say a special thank you to some AOII's for helping me and Lacey Hawkins out with our Rotary Club's fundraiser. The annual Jonesboro University Rotary Pot O' Gold party was held this past Saturday, March 12th. 2 AOII's served as our raffle girls or "leprechauns" as we like to call them. THANKS GIRLS!

Andrea Stallings (alumna) and Lauren Overman (collegiate)

2011 Strawberry's BBQ fundraiser

Thank you to all the collegiates and alumnae who sold Strawberry's BBQ plates for Katie Nelson and her family. We were able to give her a $5,600 check. Thanks again for everyone's hard work.

February 8, 2011

March event - Italian Pizza Party

Don't miss out on this extremely fun event. We're going to cook together and have tons of fun while we learn. Don't forget to RSVP to me, Also, don't forget your apron.
See you on March 14th!

Cupcakes and Cocktails.....sweets, sweets and more sweets

Thank you to everyone that attended last night. I know the weather kept a few of you away and I'm sorry you had to miss out on all the sweets and cocktails. If you would like a copy of the agenda please click on the link below.

Feb. Alumnae meeting agenda

Lindsay Burnett, Lacey Hawkins, Cathy Naylor, Cari Taylor, Marlene Brown and Brenda Ferralasco

St. Jude S'travaganza 2011

WOW! Thank you so much to all the alumnae who donated desserts. You are all so sweet and amazing. Also, thank you to everyone that attended the event either as a guest or as a worker. I'm sure this event raised over $250,000; there were so many people in attendance and the silent auction was the best ever. Thanks again for being a part of this amazing event and helping fight childhood cancer.
Joan Khilling (alumna), MaryBeth Dunlap (collegian), Kaitlyn Nehring (collegian), Ashlyn Kohler (collegian) and Lindsay Burnett (alumna).

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