To date 26 goody bags have been sold. That leaves 65 girls not receiving a bag. The parents' money is coming in daily so I'll keep you posted. So far I have received money from Libby Anderson, Virginia Shepherd, Marsha Carwell, Brenda Ferralasco, Micha Kenley, Barbara Reng, Lindsey Woodard, Camille Hemund, Emilie Statler and Bridget Shemwell to help with goody bag costs. I have received word from Megan Morris, Lindsey Hawkins, Whitney Lawshe, Marlene Brown, Micha Kenley and Caitlin Maki about donating items for the goody bags. THANK YOU to everyone that has already helped out. You are all amazing. PLEASE let me know if you are able to donate items for the goody bags.
- homemade food (already individually packaged)
- red bull
- energy bars
- granola bars
- powdered drink mixes
- coupons
- candy
- other snacks
I'm still accepting money as well. The money is being used to help purchase items if enough aren't
donated and the money is helping pay for goody bags for girls that wouldn't otherwise receive one.
Checks payable to:
Lindsay Burnett
3701 Beacon St.
Jonesboro, AR 72404
Call me if you have questions. (870) 930-7584