November 22, 2011

Goody Bag update

To date 26 goody bags have been sold. That leaves 65 girls not receiving a bag. The parents' money is coming in daily so I'll keep you posted. So far I have received money from Libby Anderson, Virginia Shepherd, Marsha Carwell, Brenda Ferralasco, Micha Kenley, Barbara Reng, Lindsey Woodard, Camille Hemund, Emilie Statler and Bridget Shemwell to help with goody bag costs. I have received word from Megan Morris, Lindsey Hawkins, Whitney Lawshe, Marlene Brown, Micha Kenley and Caitlin Maki about donating items for the goody bags. THANK YOU to everyone that has already helped out. You are all amazing. PLEASE let me know if you are able to donate items for the goody bags.
  • homemade food (already individually packaged)
  • red bull
  • energy bars
  • granola bars
  • powdered drink mixes
  • coupons
  • candy
  • other snacks
I'm still accepting money as well. The money is being used to help purchase items if enough aren't
donated and the money is helping pay for goody bags for girls that wouldn't otherwise receive one.

Checks payable to:
Lindsay Burnett
3701 Beacon St.
Jonesboro, AR 72404

Call me if you have questions. (870) 930-7584

November 16, 2011

Wii Like to Party....HUGE SUCCESS!

Thank you to all the alumnae that came out and had a lot of fun. It was so great seeing you all. The girls really appreciated it. Alumnae in attendance: Marlene Brown, Brenda Ferralasco, Megan Morris, Jenny Warren, Michelle Wingo, Micha Kenley, Caitlin Maki, Cathy Naylor, Lark Little, Lauren Gaines, Lindsey Hawkins, Breanna Buck, Cari Taylor and Lindsay Burnett.



November 4, 2011

Goody Bag Fundraiser

Every year the Jonesboro AOII Alumnae Chapter sells "Finals Survival" goody bags to the parents of the collegians. Last year we collected money to help purchase items for the goody bags as well as sponsor some goody bags. In the past we only gave bags to girls with parents that purchased a bag. Last year since all the alumnae were so generous by donating so many items and money we were able to give the girls goody bags that wouldn't have received one otherwise. This was a huge mood booster for the girls. They were very excited to receive the bags and some were very surprised and touched to see that they had a bag purchased by an alumna for them. Please consider donating items for the bags and/or making a donation to help supply bags to the girls whose parents don't purchase a bag. Letters to the girls' parents will be mailed next week. I'm hopeful we will have an amazing response from the parents.

The money raised from the selling of these bags goes towards the scholarship that we have at ASU. Please let me know if you are able to help out. We have somewhere between 94-98 girls. In other words, we need a LOT of items to be donated. Reply back to this email and let me know if you will be donating money, store bought goods or homemade goods.

Item examples:
  • Candy
  • Prepackaged rice crispies
  • Homemade cookies
  • Homemade fudge
  • Homemade trail mix
  • Homemade puppy chow
  • Homemade spicy crackers
  • Homemade brownies
  • Prepackaged oatmeal cream pies
  • Red Bull
  • Popcorn
  • Etc.
The girls love it all. If you make homemade food, please go ahead and package it individually.

If you would like to donate money please make your check out to me and I'll purchase items for the goody bags or it can be used to purchase a bag for a collegian that won't get one otherwise.

Lindsay Burnett
3701 Beacon St.
Jonesboro, AR 72404

Thank you all so much for being an amazing group of alumnae.

November 3, 2011

November 14th Event "Wii like to party"

Please plan on attending this EXTREMELY fun event!
Monday, November 14th @ 6:30 p.m. we will gather at the ASU Cooper Alumni Center for food, fun and fellowship with the AOII collegians. We will have "Just Dance" on Wii hooked up to a projector screen. I you haven't seen anyone play this you are in for a treat. It's hilarious and a lot of fun.
Please RSVP to me and let me know if you are able to attend and if you are able to provide a dish and/or drinks. All paper products have already been donated and we have plenty of ice.

I don't want to beg but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE attend this event. Let's show the girls how strong our alumnae sisterhood is!

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