May 15, 2009

AOII's help community organization

Story from KAIT8

Getting a job in this economy is tough, but even if you get an interview, many women are left thinking, "I have nothing to wear".
Not everyone has the proper clothing to wear to an interview and look professional. But Elena Brown with Staffmark says that's the first thing the employer looks at.
Faye Cox, the Executive Director of the Center, has worked diligently to bring in donations.
"It's slightly used or new clothing that women would wear to their job. So we have everything from casual tops and slacks to business pants and skirt suits. These aren't close that a woman would put in a yard sale for $2 or $5, but they are more than willing to donate them to a woman that needs them."

The Professional Clothes Closet is open to women with a referral from employment services, community agencies, employers, churches, or by presenting a resume.

Saturday, May 16 from 10-3 pm at the First Christian Church on Union St., The Closet will have an open shopping event.
"This will allow women to come in with their referral or resume, but they don't have to make an appointment. They will still get their own personal shopper, and they won't leave with just one outfit."

Ashlyn Kohler, an ASU student and Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority Member, says even college kids can find the items they are looking for.
"My sisters and I looked through our closets and found what we could to give. It's stuff we would wear to an interview. We just know it's hard out there for kids graduating college with no money and no professional looking clothes. We want them to look their best and we hope to spread the word about The Closet."

Please read the full story and watch the video, just click on the link below.

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